Thursday, June 25, 2009

What is Happening to My Home on the Range?

(Kathleen Sebelius, Criminal against Humanity and Former Governor of Kansas)

Well, former governor Kathleen Sebelius is a defendant in a bioterrorism and mass murder case, and FEMA is doing drills in which they get to use "spy drones" during an emergency, as Kansas is the only state that allows such a thing.

Huzzah for the person who got Sebelius, and drat the luck for FEMA Region VII.

In what region are you?


Johann Van De Leeuw said...

What's FEMA, and what does this post mean? (I'm sure I know what FEMA is, if only I could remember....)

Anonymous said...

I am in region 5. Indiana

Dylan John Callahan said...

Thanks for the comments, gentlemen!

Johann, it's the "Federal Emergency Management Agency", and it has been found to be quite corrupt!

I'll see about posting more about it.

Johann Van De Leeuw said...

Donner und Blitzen! Ich bin in V, oder funf. (OH). Schlecht dieser ist, nicht wahr? Der "FEMA" ist ungezogen und schlecht, sehr schlecht! Was kann wir macht uber dieses? (Mein Deutsche ist nicht zu schlecht, aber es ist nicht der gross.)

Dylan John Callahan said...

Ja, your German ist notten too badden; Ich must admitten I hadden to getten an online translaten to understandeten was you saiden!

(My best foreign language)
FEMA es muy malo, porque mal hombres es correr FEMA.

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